[K-Pop] G-Dragon - INTRO Middle fingers-up (Eng Lyrics / 영어가사) 지디 - 인트로

ARTIST   G-Dragon
ALBUM   권지용
Released Date   8 Jun 2017

G-Dragon - INTRO Middle finger up

평화 빼기 하나 모두
Peace minus one, everyone
Middle Fingers-Up
엄지 검지 약지 새끼

Thumb, forefinger, ring finger, little finger
접고 중지 세워

Fold them and stand middle finger up 
올리고 돌리고 놀리고 NOW

Put it up, turn it up, play with it NOW
이거나 쳐 먹어 먹어

Just eat this eat eat 

동방NO예의지국 이 시국

The east NO country of courteous people, state of affairs 
역대 급 순 최근에 실례 쩖

The worst excuses came up recently 
뿌리 뽑아 음모야 WAXIN' 해

Root out, that is conspiracy, do the WAXIN'
알 바야 쓰레빠야? 짜샤 뭐?

None of your business, is that a slipper? what did you say?
"우리 전에 봤었는데"

"We have met before"
네? 아니요

What? No
"승리랑 친해"

"I'm close with SungRi"
라는데 어쩌라고요

So what do you want from me
"술 한잔하게 나중에

"Let's have a drink later
예쁜 애들 잘 아는데, 번호 좀 줄래"

I know pretty girls, can I get your number?"
내가 왜? 대체 누구세요?

Why should I? Who the hell are you?

Talk 알림 Lock, SNS도 비공개

Lock the talk notification, trun SNS to private account
점점 줄어드는 개인 대인관계 (It Ain't Nothin')

Dwindling personal interpersonal relations (It Ain't Nothin')
'만남' 이 없어 '노사연'

No 'meetings', so 'No stories'
'No More Drama' Straight '종방연'

'No more Drama' Straight 'after show party'
Rest In Peace? MINUS ONE
이름부터 애매모호하지

It's ambiguous from the name
평화 빼기 하나 모두
Peace minus one, everyone
Middle Fingers-Up
엄지 검지 약지 새끼

Thumb, forefinger, ring finger, little finger
접고 중지 세워

Fold them and stand middle finger up 
올리고 돌리고 놀리고 NOW

Put it up, turn it up, play with it NOW
이거나 쳐 먹어 먹어

Just eat this eat eat 

평화 빼기 하나 모두
Peace minus one, everyone
Middle Fingers-Up
엄지 검지 약지 새끼

Thumb, forefinger, ring finger, little finger
접고 중지 세워

Fold them and stand middle finger up 
올리고 돌리고 놀리고 NOW

Put it up, turn it up, play with it NOW
이거나 쳐 먹어 먹어

Just eat this eat eat 

날 따라해 따라하다 행사까지?

Follow me, follow me to the event?
가끔은 진짜 가짜 뭐가 나인지?

Sometimes it's real, it's fake, what Am I?
나훈아 너훈아 누가 알아?

NaHoonAh NeoHoonAh who knows?
멍석 깔아 패 까봐 AR 깔아

Lay out a straw mat, show your card, put AR
역시 세상은 요지경, '신신애'

As expected, the world is so strange, 'ShinShinAe'
"I Veni, Vidi, Vici."
내 묘비명 (Screamin')

My epitaph (Screamin')
백타지 요즘 같은 때에

It's 100 points, at the time like nowadays 
제정신 어디 있겠어?

Who has right mind?
멘탈 붕괴 Feel 잡아

Mental eruption, hold the feel 
집중해 Pay Attention

Focus Pay Attention 
"그 새끼보다 내가 못 한 게 뭐냐?"
던 새끼
The one who were saying "what did I do worse than him?"
비싼 보석 반지는 많아도
He has expensive jeweled rings
약지에 낄 ring은 없지

But doesn't have ring to wear on ring finger
내 검지? 삿대질?

My forefinger? pointing? 
합죽이 합 쉿 ("엄지야~")

Nutcracker face, quiet, sh ("it's thumb~")
I’m a livin’ Legend
'조용필' (Feel it)

'JoYongFeel' (Feel it)
이 바닥 내 혓바닥에 기생

In this field, it lives off on my tongue 
백태라 불려 소문 부풀려

It calls a coating on tongue, macerate it, snowball the rumor 
하얀 구설이 되네

It becomes an white gossip 
평화 빼기 하나 모두
Peace minus one, everyone
Middle Fingers-Up
엄지 검지 약지 새끼

Thumb, forefinger, ring finger, little finger
접고 중지 세워

Fold them and stand middle finger up 
올리고 돌리고 놀리고 NOW

Put it up, turn it up, play with it NOW
이거나 쳐 먹어 먹어

Just eat this eat eat 

평화 빼기 하나 모두
Peace minus one, everyone
Middle Fingers-Up
엄지 검지 약지 새끼

Thumb, forefinger, ring finger, little finger
접고 중지 세워

Fold them and stand middle finger up 
올리고 돌리고 놀리고 NOW

Put it up, turn it up, play with it NOW
이거나 쳐 먹어 먹어

Just eat this eat eat 

I just wanna make Ya’
이거나 먹어

Just eat this
I just wanna make Ya’
이거나 먹어

Just eat this
I just wanna make Ya’
씨 발라 먹어

remove the seed and eat (as swear word)
I just wanna make Ya’
엿 바꿔 먹어

Make a mess of it
젓가락? 아니죠

Chopstick? No
손가락 행진곡!

It's a finger march!
어느 장단? 내 장단!

What beat? My beat!
맞춤 아다리요

Fitted, it's fit
사주 팔자, 유명인사.

Fortune and destiny, a celebrity.
잠깐 STOP "권!지!용!"

Wait STOP "Kwon!Ji!Yong!"
외국말로는 ‘V’, ‘Cheese’

It's 'V, Cheese' in foreign language
한국말로는 ‘김치’, ‘평화’

It's 'Kimchi, peace' in Korean
평화 빼기 하나 모두
Peace minus one, everyone
Middle Fingers-Up
엄지 검지 약지 새끼

Thumb, forefinger, ring finger, little finger
접고 중지 세워

Fold them and stand middle finger up 
올리고 돌리고 놀리고 NOW

Put it up, turn it up, play with it NOW
이거나 쳐 먹어 먹어

Just eat this eat eat 

평화 빼기 하나 모두
Peace minus one, everyone
Middle Fingers-Up
엄지 검지 약지 새끼

Thumb, forefinger, ring finger, little finger
접고 중지 세워

Fold them and stand middle finger up 
올리고 돌리고 놀리고 NOW

Put it up, turn it up, play with it NOW
이거나 쳐 먹어 먹어

Just eat this eat eat 

Korean Lyric - Naver music
YouTube - Kpop Music-2


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